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DIY Felt Shoulder Pauldron

March is bursting with excitement—Spring is in the air, maple syrup is flowing, and leprechauns are out causing mischief! But for comic and costume lovers, it’s also prime Comic-Con season! Annika from @AKKIKA is back with her signature love for geometric designs, bringing you an epic DIY cosplay shoulder piece.

Whether you’re suiting up for a con or just love a good craft challenge, this project is perfect for anyone!

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Wet Felting Around Objects
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Washing Craft Felt for Letterman Patches
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Wet Felting for Beginners
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How To Back Punch Needle Projects with Industrial Felt
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How to Stiffen Craft Felt
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DIY Wool Felt Insoles
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Face Masks and Inserts – Why Use Wool Felt?
Disclaimer: This product has not yet been tested for medical standards. Wearing a protective mask will not prevent someone from contracting COVID19, but it will help stop the spread. DIY face masks are not intended to treat, cure or prevent...
3-in-1 DIY Quilt Design Wall with Cork
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Filtering Maple Syrup Tips & Tricks
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SAE Industrial Felt 101: The Basics
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Tip Tuesday Archives
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100% Wool Dryer Balls
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3 Ways To Get Rid of That Burlap Smell
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Feature of the week: Vàs Vertical Planters
Hey guys! Super excited to be sharing one of our customer's felt journey today. I say it over and over again but it's awesome when our customers share their projects with us! So you can only imagine how happy I was wh...
Frequently Asked Questions about Felt Part 2
Here we have our second part of our most frequently asked questions that will hopefully help everyone when thinking about using felt in their next project! Is Felt washable? This is a very popular question for our cus...
Frequently Asked Questions About Felt - Part 1
Here at The Felt Store, we've noticed there are a lot of questions that customers frequently ask us and we thought it would be a great idea to share it with everyone just in case you may have similar questions. Here w...