Feature: Felt Typography Poster

Is This Felt?...Now it is!
Sarah Paul & Franziska Brand
Project Type: Poster Design
Date: November 2014
Affiliated Institution: The Felt Store, Swash & Serif, and Black Cat Gallery
Material Used: 3mm Solid Designer Felt - Bright Red, Orange, Yellow, Apple Green, and Sky Blue
Service Used: CNC cutting

Is this Felt...Now it is! Is designed by very own Sarah Paul & Franziska Brand from The Felt Store. The concept was developed for a local typography exhibit called Swash & Serif, hosted by Black Cat Gallery in Downtown Toronto. The individual colored felt sheets were glued together using a spray adhesive and then custom cut with our CNC cutting capabilities.

The design rational was to combine a quirky play on words and Sarah and Fran's favorite textile, wool felt, this poster was a representation of their design and work life. They live and work primarily in a digital world, yet representing a textile that must be touched and felt. Yet, most of their time is spent publishing in pixels tying to convey the look and feel of this very tangible product. The poster allowed them to go back to the basics by using pen and paper for the typography, translating it into a digital format and finally translating it back to a tangible end result that can be felt.
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