Avocado Plushie {Template}
Happy National Avocado Day! The perfect excuse for some crafty inspiration. I had so much fun creating this cute plush toy! It can also be used as a pin cushion - I do suggest cutting the Avocado Thickness piece in half (1in) so that you do not loose your pins and needles.
If you would like to turn this cute Avocado Plushie in to a pin cushion, I have included some most common pin cushion stuffing options below. Avo' crafty day!
Materials Used:
- Premium Wool Blend Craft Felt - Light Brown, Dark Pink, Black, Apple Green, and Emerald Green
- Embroidery floss and needle
- Filler
- Template (Print on 8.5" x 14" paper)
1. Cut out your felt in the colors of your choosing using the provided template.
2. Sew parts together using the overcast stitch for features and the blanket stitch to put your Avocado Plushie together.
3. Stuff your plushie with stuffing or filler of your choosing.
Most common pin cushion stuffing and how to decide which option best suits you.
Wool Stuffing
Pros: Most sewers and quilters have plenty on hand and is great for wearable pin cushion bracelets.
Cons: Even when tightly packed, it does not give enough weight or stability to the pin cushion.
Buy: The Felt Store.
Ground Walnut Shells
Pros: The filling is strong and hefty, and when used in a pin cushion, keeps it stable.
Cons: Allergen.
Buy: Pet stores or quilt shops.
Steel Wool
Pros: Great for sharpening pins and needles.
Cons: Modern pins are coated with nickel so every time you insert it, you are scratching some of the nickel off making it more prone to rusting.
Buy: Local hardware or dollar stores.

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